This morning, our baby said "shi~shi~" meaning he wanted to go pee. So Jeff tried to have him sit on the toilet, but he run away! Jeff grabbed him and had him sit on the toilet...and we heard "pu!" and then saw a little poo poo dropped. It was his first time poop in the toilet!! But we were not sure if he actually tried or it was just an accident... However, little after Jeff left for work, he pooped in the toilet again!! I don't know if he knew what was going on :P but I was really happy that he was able to poop in the toilet for the first time!! Good Job baby!!
This was yesterday at the Kitano Shrine. He saw pidgins and said "oishi~ oishi~" meaning it tastes good. But I don't think he knew that he can eat pidgins. I don't think he even knows how chicken looks like... So, I think he doesn't really understand what 'oishi' means. He says that a lot when he eats, but maybe he also thinks 'oishi' means 'he is having fun' or 'he is happy':)