



It's already mid December! It will be Jeff's winter break if he works one and half more weeks. We are going to Osaka during his winter break, so we did some big cleaning at our house before the end of the year.


At night, we ate Yakiniku for Jeff's birthday as he requested. His birthday is next week, but it is on a weekday, so we had birthday dinner on weekend.


It was really good, but Jeff doesn't want to eat Yakiniku for a while. He used to like Yakiniku a lot, but he can't eat as much any more... maybe because he is old now he said. After we have purchased this hot plate, we cooked Gyoza, Okonomiyaki, and Yakiniku. We agreed on Okonomiyaki was the best so far :)


I just remembered about this boy who was in my English class. During the class, he kept sighing. At first I just ignored, but he kept sighing and sighing, so I finally asked what was the matter. He said that his jaw was hurting. I asked him why, and he said that it was because he went to eat Yakiniku last night for his birthday. I thought that it was funny how he couldn't just say "hey guess what! I went to eat Yakiniku last night for my birthday!"... but I guess that's how little kids are :)


While we were eating Yakiniku, Jeff's bread got done. The middle of it had a heart. Cute! It has no preservatives so our baby had a little little piece☆


1 件のコメント:

  1. やばい!!!お肉がめっちゃ新鮮でおいしそう!!日本でする焼肉はおいしいやんな。ジェフが作ったパンは何が入ってるの?くるみ?めっちゃおいしそう。なんでも手作りは安心して子供にあげられるやんな。
