


More Bubbles Please!!

今朝、珍しく自分からおトイレにトレーニング用の補助便座を持って行きました。お!っと思って、飽きずにおトイレに座っててもらうために、ジェフがシャボン玉を取り出してきました。これが「Bubble 」って言えるきっかけになったのは嬉しいのですが、この後が大変〜。しーしーしたくないのに、補助便座をおトイレに持って行ってはシャボン玉やりたい〜と言うようになってしまいました(笑)。でも、なんとなく「More Please~」と2語続けて言えるようになった感じです。

We are training our baby to use toilet to pee now. We used to put the training seat on top of the toilet in the bathroom, but he did not want to go into the bathroom anymore maybe because it is cold in there. So, we used his training toilet. This morning, he took his training seat to the bathroom, and Jeff blew bubbles for him to make his sit on the toilet longer. This is how he learned how to say 'Bubble' so that was good...but now he thinks that he can blow bubbles if he brings training seat to the bathroom!! He can now say some words, but he can only say one word at a time...but in this video, seems like he is saying two word, 'More Please'.



He looks like a cute Sadako from Ring...



Last week, Jeff got off work and found out that the lock on his bike was broken. He was unable to unlock it... Some of his coworkers tried to help him but they were unable to unlock it too. He finally took the bike to a nearby bike shop and had them cut the chain. Today he made French bread for those of his coworkers helped him!


Jeff made fresh pasta for lunch.


Our baby can now say 'Bubble'! He can blow bubbles too ;) It was snowing this morning but stopped in the afternoon, so I took him outside to blow some bubbles. It was windy and too cold, so we came back inside after like 10 min. though...

なんだかここ2、3日で急に大きくなったきがします。ついこの間まで入っていた、お気に入りの靴も小さくなってしまったみたいで、昨日履こうとしたら「いたい、いたい」って言ってたので、ちょっと大きめの靴に替えないと。でも今履いてるのがすごく気に入っているみたいで、別の靴を履かせようとすると嫌がって脱いでしまいました... 。ズボンも、90センチの丈が短くなって七分丈みたいになってます。上は90センチでもまだおそでを折らないと大きいですが、足がちょっと長くなったってことかな!?昨日の夜体重測ったら、11.2キロになってました!

It seems like he got a lot bigger last few days. Now, he can't fit into his favorite blue shoes... I tried to have him wear different shoes, but he does not want to wear anything but the blue shoes... Now he wears size 90cm clothes. Size 90 shirts are still a little big for him, but Size 90 pants are too short... which means his legs are getting longer!!?? He now weighs 24.7Lb.