



Jeff made some sourdough pancake for breakfast again. He was supposed to make these for other teachers yesterday before English Camp but they were too busy to eat breakfast. Good for me and baby!


After the breakfast, we went to Nishi Maizuru to buy a new suit for Jeff. After that, we went to Coco Ichiban Curry restaurant which Jeff wanted to go for long time. We thought that they would not have anything that babies can eat, so we brought something for our baby... but surprise!

朝ご飯の後は、用事があったので西舞鶴へ。用事を済ませた後は、ジェフが前々から行きたがっていたCoCo壱番カレーへ☆実は私も初めてでした。カレー屋さんなので赤ちゃんが食べられる物は無いだろうなと思って、赤ちゃんのご飯は用意していったら... びっくり!

They had curry for babies! It was for 12 month and older, so our baby was able to eat. I tried it first to make sure it was not too spicy for him. It was not spicy at all... and I would not call that curry, but seemed like he liked it a lot.


After lunch we went to Tanabe Castle.


We walked soooo much today and I am sure we burned calories from pancakes and curry!!
