




Today I received a little gift for White Day. White Day is a only Japan thing (I think). On Valentine's Day women give men chocolate and on White Day men give something back to women. In this cute bag, there were little towel and tea from Afternoon Tea.

Afternoon Teaの紅茶とハンカチ!


This little towel is really cool. It can be bottle holder. I just got a lid that you can stick a straw and put on top of the water bottle. We had something like this for our baby from a dollar store before but it broke too easy...but I found a good one today. This towel would be perfect for his bottle!!


Jeff made some sweets for White Day for his coworkers too. He made caramel, cranberry and white chocolate oatmeal cookies and rice crispy treats with home made marshmallow.

ジェフがお菓子作ってる間Queenの”Another One Bites the Dust”を聞いていたら、赤ちゃんが踊り始めました。結構長い事踊ってたし、飛んだり跳ねたりしてたので、だんだんオムツがずれて来てるな〜とは思ってたのですが、しゃがんだ拍子におしりがちらっと見えてしまいました〜(笑)。

While Jeff was making sweets he played Queen's Another One Bites the Dust, and our baby started dancing. Please watch until the end to see a surprise!

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