



I have been slacking to write in English last few weeks...my excuse is that our baby started moving around everywhere. He can also stand by holding the edge of the table and tries to grab whatever he sees, so I can't sit in front of the computer too long without him hitting the keyboard.

Anyway, yesterday we have received some miso from my piano teacher. Those miso are from Honda Miso who has 170 years of history making miso. Jeff picked "Red rice yeast miso" for the miso soup last night. The miso was not salty at all. It was very good! Today, I made Miso dengaku which is sweet miso paste you can put on Daikon, Tofu, Konjac etc.


We made Oden for dinner. We still had some miso dengaku left, so we tried it with daikon. We usually eat Oden with hot mustard, but it was actually better with miso dengaku!


Our baby started eating baby food three times a day now. I have read that most babies eat three times a day starting 9 month old, but our baby does not want to drink formula as much as he did before, so we decided to give him three meals instead. I think he likes rice!


2 件のコメント:

  1. Chisako he is soo cute! i just want to pinch his cheeks! i wish my baby would eat for baby food. He LOVES his bottle!

  2. he is sooooooooo cute Chisakito!!!!!!
