



It was snowing today too... but our baby is dressed warm and ready to go out side!

今日も雪でした... でもばっちり防寒してお出かけです!行き先は〜

We went to 7eleven which just had a grand opening today by house house. I know... it's just a convenience store... but we live in a countryside ok? We don't even go to convenience store anyway, but we were just excited about it because there is nothing new other than that. Plus we were able to get free toilet papers today! When I was walking with our baby in stroller the other day, there was still little bit of snow on the ground and I got stuck in snow. I was not able to push the stroller anymore, so I gave up and turned back around. Then I saw a lady with flyers in her hands walking towards me. I did not want any soliciting so I tried not to look at her, but she still came to me. Luckily, she was advertising the new opening 7eleven and gave me a coupon for free toilet papers:) Good thing I turned back around! At 7eleven, there were so many high school students who got off school early because of the mid-term tests.


I made "tsuke men" for dinner. It is type of ramen noodle which you dip the noodle in soup as you eat. Jeff came home early because of the mid-term tests too. He said he was starving as soon as he stepped into the house...so we ate early dinner. I think I will be hungry by the time I go to bed... :(


1 件のコメント:

  1. ちさちゃん自分でつけ麺作ってるんや~!すごい!!めっちゃおいしそう!
